12. Parietals
  • Play Parietals




when the power is gone
and the lights go down

the storm will come
and brighten up your sky

flash into your home
shake you to your bone
peer into your soul
crack your back
break your head
till you’re dead
and born again

don’t you see parietal
don’t you see parietal all around?

Michael Meade: “And but in order to absorb genuine light – the light of intelligence, the light of love, all those kinds of things that carry light – a person needs to be grounded. And part of grounding is the descent into darkness”

when the light goes on
and the darkness fades

the night will come
and shroud your waking mind

flash into your home
darken you to your bone
seep into your soul
crack your back
break your head
till you’re dead
and born again

don’t you see parietals
don’t you see parietals all around?

Song Notes

Written and Produced: Cullah

Mixing: Michael Noyce

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