Cullahtivation drops April 27, 2020 on
This song is half of the title track “Cullahtivation Revelation”.
Cultivate yourself
Let your virtue become real
Cultivate your family
Let your virtue grow
Cultivate your world
Then your virtue is everywhere
Cullahtivation this year has been a really a confusing emotional journey. As most things are, as they are happening. With every album I make, I was able to explore new realms and areas of myself; new ideas and new understandings of “who I am” and my “role in life”. This year had a lot of embracing new ideas — which I thought meant the death of old ones. But what is most interesting, is how this album made me realize that the old ideas do not die. No, they are reborn THROUGH the new ideas.
Cullahtivation is the death and rebirth of each and every one of us.
On April 17, I will share with you here my first single “Falling”.
Special thanks to Maddie and The Moon for the artwork.